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From now on, a virtual model is also available for fans of the South

reverse grid racing

Jovan Lemajić Lemax's love for car racing did not prompt him to try himself behind the wheel, because as he claims he is not for that, but he decided to make his contribution through the creation of tracks and cars for simulation - an Asseto Corsa player "I wouldn't call myself a gamer, but I am a fan of motoring, so that, along with the knowledge of the existence of racing simulations, led to me starting to model tracks", he reveals at the beginning of the interview for Magazin Lemajić, who published the prototype a few days ago south for the game Assetto Corsa.

The drivers of this simulation tried the same a few days ago, and soon a special championship dedicated to this car model will be organized The first race in which they tried the car went well, Lemax claims.

"I finally published the south," commented the drivers of this simulation I don't worry about them, they manage and adapt to driving - be it a strong formula or a weak jugo.

In general, I am satisfied with what has been done so far, I think that the current 3D model is acceptable, although there is room for improvement, but physics as well as more faithful sound are priorities for the next period", says Lemajić, and admits that the making of the jug has stretched too much during the previous years and that updates, if there are any, will not work as much.

Although until now it is known for modeling domestic tracks, this is Lemaxu's first car that has worked for the Asseto Corsa game "It is the first car, although it seems to me that it is also the last, given some technical challenges during production.

It was a logical sequence to make a jugo track after the Ex-Yu track, which would complete the complete picture, because the popularity of the jugo is unquestionable in these areas", he believes Jugo is still the most numerous class in real racing due to accessibility, and it will be for those who like Asseto Corse game.

Namely, Lemax offered simulation fans the model of its first and only prototype for free "Jugo has always been the most numerous class due to affordability, primarily financial, while for Assetto Corsa fans the only potential problem with accessibility will be the quality of their hardware, so if other models work for them without problems, Jugo will too, it's pretty well optimized", with certainty claims Lemax, and reveals whether his jugo is more intended for circuit or hill races: "It is intended for both circuit and hill races, although in circuit races it is more fun because it is not too fast and allows for driver mistakes, which leads to an even fight for the better placement.

I say this, of course, for the virtual south, courage is also needed for the real one," reveals Lemajić Usually, the jugo that is used in real races is quite "inflated", and the interlocutor of the Magazine reveals how difficult it was to transfer all that to the simulation, and whether it is possible to exaggerate the performance of a virtual car: "Transfer the physical parameters of a real vehicle to the simulation is the hardest part of the job for me.

Unlike arcade racing games, simulations are based on the fundamental laws of physics, which entails the obligation to precisely define the technical characteristics of the vehicle being made for the simulation In that segment, I have the weakest knowledge, but I believe that in the next versions, the virtual jugo will be closer to the real one every time", Lemajić does not hide his expectations.

The mountain championship is currently in progress, and maybe Lemajić's model will be available in one of the next driving simulation enthusiasts "I don't know if there will be a south in the next championship, it all depends on the organizers, although I have a good relationship with the Montenegro SimRacing organization and the Union of Electronic Sports of Montenegro", asserted Lemajić, who before the south met fans of this game through the tracks of the domestic circuit which he modeled for the needs of this game.

"I made a dozen domestic tracks, some turned out better, some less so I can't say that even one of them fell hard for me because they were all started for the sake of pleasure, but there were moments when I said 'Well, that's enough now, I'm releasing it publicly as it is, because time is a resource that burns quickly'.

Approximately each track was made for a year, but if you work full-time and according to today's graphic standards, it is certain that four to six months of daily work are needed to create one track", reveals Lemajić, who also created two Montenegrin tracks - Glava Zeta and Trojica Considering that the drivers who drove those tracks live and tried the simulation had only words of praise, how difficult it was to transfer everything that is on them to the game, he says: "Although Kotor - Trojica has much more details from Glava Zeta, it was easier to pass only because there is a 'google street view' of the same where I could easily spot objects along the course, while at Glava Zeta I struggled with the footage from the races.

Through which it is quite difficult to gain some spatial orientation", admits the interlocutor of the Magazine It was announced that Lemax will build another Montenegrin mountain track - Lovćen.

"It has been announced for half a decade that I will make Lovćen, but it is unlikely that I will make it considering the required working hours and today's requirements Maybe as part of a production team", reveals Lemax, who, although successful as a modeler, does not drive car races.

"I am close to the world of car racing, but I do not participate in it I always knew I wasn't for that because I would press the brake where the racers don't even lift their foot off the gas," he is honest.

Thanks to everything he has done so far, Lemajić is largely responsible for the promotion of domestic tracks that are also used by virtual runners in the world, but he rarely receives support for what he does from institutions "I've been doing this for ten years and I consider myself one of the better connoisseurs of mod racing simulations, but I didn't have any support from the institutions or the Federation, although real races don't have excessive support either.

I expected that over the years and the progress of e-Sports and racing simulations, they would get their 'five minutes', but this is not happening in the Balkans, at least not yet to the extent that it is with some other games", notes Lemax "Perhaps because, unlike other games, simracing also requires supporting hardware in the form of a set of controllers, which are not very cheap and take up a lot of space when compared to a mouse and keyboard, which are technically sufficient to be competitive in other e- Sports directions," he adds.

During all these years, he claims, there were some sporadic contacts and ideas, but he never got away from the idea "The Union of Electronic Sports of Montenegro is one of the few that understands the potential of racing simulations so that, who knows, maybe virtual championships will be organized in the future, where it will be driven, for example, south on Ex-Yu tracks and which will be transmitted in every Ex-Yu country", concludes Lemax.

From February 18, YUGO BALKAN CUP 2023 Yugo, a car that was produced at the Zastava factory in Kragujevac from 1980-2008 was very popular throughout the Balkans.

It quickly found itself on the target of auto-sport, due to its low price and the availability of spare parts in small workshops, racing "jugići" began to be assembled From the 80s, until today, that class is the most numerous in domestic championships in Montenegro and the surrounding area.

"Lemax made an incredibly good version of the Yugo for the Asseto Corsa platform, so we at Montenegro SIM Racing decided to start a championship with that car," reads the announcement of Montenegro Sim Racing YUGO BALKAN CUP 2023 will be a championship that will be run on circuit tracks from the region, which are available to us on Assetto Corsa and starts on February 18.

"Due to the capacity of the tracks, we will be able to provide a place for 30 drivers from the Balkans, and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News February.

"Due to the capacity of the tracks, we will be able to provide a place for 30 drivers from the Balkans, and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News February.

"Due to the capacity of the tracks, we will be able to provide a place for 30 drivers from the Balkans, and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News we will be able to provide a place for 30 drivers from the Balkans, and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race.

Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race (The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19.

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal me.

"You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar .

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing.

News we will be able to provide a place for 30 drivers from the Balkans, and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race.

Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race (The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19.

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal me.

"You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar .

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing.

News and in order for all of this to be in a fair play atmosphere, qualifications will be organized before each race and thus we will get the 30 fastest to participate in the race Each track will be run on the principle of reverse grid racing, which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the top twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the first twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News which means that it will be run twice for 20 minutes, and the first twenty drivers will exchange their places for the second race.

(The winner of the first race in the second race will start from position 20, the runner-up from position 19 .

)", explain from this organization, and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "All other information (applications, rulebook, calendar.

) can be read on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News and announce that these races will also be followed in a live stream with a commentator on the YouTube channel Trkackiportal.

me "You can read all other information (applications, rules, calendar.

) on our Discord channel", they say from Montenegro Sim Racing News.

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