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EXCLUSIVE FOR COURIER FLIGHT 3 The Serbs will manage, and they will give us the Serbian-style Generous Thunder at Eurovision I 14 15 POINTS


The punk band from Rijeka Let 3 will represent Croatia at this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which will be held in Liverpool, with the song "Mama ŠČ" The well-known band has long held the title of one of the most provocative bands in the former Yugoslavia, and with their performance at Dora, they stirred up the public in the entire region and found themselves the target of criticism.

In an interview for Kurir, one of the founders and frontman of the group Damir Martinović Mrle talks about possible censorship and a change of stage performance in Liverpool, how much Croatia has changed after joining the EU and what is the reason for the intolerance between the Balkan countries Your performance at Dora caused quite a stir in the region.

What made you enter the contest? - Pometnja is a nice Serbian expression that has been dear to us for a long time Terrorists wreak havoc with terrorist attacks, politicians by initiating wars, which are most often a form of terrorism on a wider scale, and we, from the Balkans, if we sow confusion, it is to restart a little, to understand, to ask ourselves all sorts of things together.

Like, for example, whether it's okay for women to fuck women regardless of class, race, nationality or religion, or whether it's okay that we don't have money for a sports hall in the elementary school in Bajina Bašta We like this kind of confusion and we work hard on it.

Eurovision is a suitable training ground And we are here to support the faggot.

Individuals were bothered by your performance Lenin on rockets and the moron Putin did not sit well with part of the audience in the region and beyond.

How do you react to criticism? Do you think your performance was too eccentric? - Aristotle said: "There is only one way to avoid criticism - to do nothing, to say nothing, Many years ago, a judge in Varaždin condemned us for popping the corks out of our ass, so his grapes did not bear fruit for several seasons in a row Have you thought about what you will do if they decide to censor.

Will you change parts of the song or performance? What changes do you have in mind? - We think that "Mama ŠČ" is according to the propositions and we see no need to change it And even if they banned us, it would be cathartic - many people would rejoice, and many would think: "Well, first they killed Che Guevara and now this too", nobody would care.

A few years ago, Croatia became a member of the EU Do you feel better, safer, freer? To what extent did the EU actually meet the expectations of the Croats? - I don't believe that many people are very happy about joining the EU.

But the more important question is how many people are satisfied in the countries that did not join the EU, although they are negotiating about it or they are not even candidates, like, for example, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkey or Albania It is also more important to ask whether we would have been better off if we had not joined the EU.

You wouldn't really say it We think that the EU is the most advanced real-political platform of modern humanity, it has brought many things, among other things, peace between nations that have been at war for centuries.

Both by its laws and its practices, the EU strives to reduce the dominance of the stronger over the weaker, to increase the equality of people before the law, and to eradicate poverty It encourages civil society and thereby the participation of as many people as possible in decision-making, and it does all this better than any other existing real-politics model.

How much influence does politics have on Croatian culture? How much is it controlled by institutions and is there censorship and money for those who are considered unfit? - In general, do they seem to control us more than our colleagues in Cuba, Russia, China? I wouldn't say Do they control the culture in Croatia more than, for example, your media in Serbia? In addition, we are not an institutional culture, we are independent, we do not depend on state money or institutions.

Divisions and tensions in the Balkans are still present today How do you interpret the constant tensions between the ex-Yugoslav states? Are they a reflection of real intolerance, unsettled scores from the past, or is it a charade they use to score cheap political points? - It's always a circle of hell, where you don't seem to know whether the chicken or the egg came first.

Nevertheless, it seems that politicians are inciting, and when some political elite does not give up power, when it enthrones itself for a long time, when it conquers all the main media and incites through them for say 10 years, then the majority of people also start to hate each other and become intolerant That's how it is everywhere in the world, somewhere, for example, Bosniaks, Albanians, Croats, Montenegrins, and to some extent Slovenians and Macedonians hate Serbs, and we ask ourselves: "Well, what happened to all these people out of pure peace.

" In other places, blacks, Jews, women, minorities of all kinds are hated It is little known that you did a cover of Šaban Šaulić's song "Come to grow old together", which has already been included in the anthology.

Rockers usually cringe at the mention of folk songs, and you approached this track with respect What prompted you to make such a move? - We love the mixing of people, goods, styles, genres, drugs, costumes.

and silly First of all, because we have so much fun, and to see how Raja reacts to it.

As if we were to test the effect of new incense in the church What outcome do you expect in Liverpool? Do you think the audience from the region will support you? What reactions do you expect? - We hope that we will get more than the maximum 12 points from Serbia.

The Serbs will manage, so they will give us 14, 15 points, in the Serbian way, generously, because otherwise, what kind of country were we fighting for We are lucky that for us winning Eurovision, in itself, has no meaning.

What makes sense for us is to sway the peoples outside the region a bit, to catch them on the wrong foot, rather with anger and polemic than not at all, and that can happen even if we don't win On the other hand, if we have a weak penis, we won't sway anyone even if we win.

Last year's representative of Serbia at the Eurovision Song Contest, Konstruct, enchanted the audience with her unique performance Did you follow her performance and did he perhaps give you the idea to complete the song with unusual choreography and props? - We have been doing this business for decades, "Mama ŠČ" contains creative procedures, mixing and colliding styles and genres that we have been making forever.

Our die-hard fans know that, countless articles have been written about it in the media over time, so I hope that we, at least a little, influenced Konstrakt We certainly noticed how interestingly Konstructa bounced off the average at Eurovision.

Kurir rs/ Andrijana Stojanović Bonus video: Did you follow her performance and did he perhaps give you the idea to complete the song with unusual choreography and props? - We have been doing this business for decades, "Mama ŠČ" contains creative procedures, mixing and colliding styles and genres that we have been making forever.

Our die-hard fans know that, countless articles have been written about it in the media over time, so I hope that we, at least a little, influenced Konstrakt We certainly noticed how interestingly Konstructa bounced off the average at Eurovision.

Kurir rs/ Andrijana Stojanović Bonus video: Did you follow her performance and did he perhaps give you the idea to complete the song with unusual choreography and props? - We have been doing this business for decades, "Mama ŠČ" contains creative procedures, mixing and colliding styles and genres that we have been making forever.

Our die-hard fans know that, countless articles have been written about it in the media over time, so I hope that we, at least a little, influenced Konstrakt We certainly noticed how interestingly Konstructa bounced off the average at Eurovision.

Kurir rs/ Andrijana Stojanović Bonus video: so I hope that we, at least a little, influenced Konstrakt.

We certainly noticed how interestingly Konstructa bounced off the average at Eurovision Kurir.

rs/ Andrijana Stojanović Bonus video: so I hope that we, at least a little, influenced Konstrakt We certainly noticed how interestingly Konstructa bounced off the average at Eurovision.

Kurir rs/ Andrijana Stojanović Bonus video:.

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