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15 years ago on that February 23, 2008, during takeoff from Anderson Air Force Base on the island of Guam in the Pacific, where the US naval and air installations are located, the strategic bomber B-2 Spirit, named "Spirit of Kansas", marking AF 89-0127 US Air Force, suddenly fell During the crash, both pilots successfully ejected from this strategic bomber.

Officially, this crash is considered the first operational loss of this aircraft, and it later became the basis for a daring setup B-2 crash at Anderson base During the aggression against the FRY, it was claimed that numerous planes were shot down.

There was even bidding on their number, but what we have tangible evidence for were the downed F-117A tactical bomber and F-16 fighter jets The B-2 Spirit of Missouri Strategic Bomber AV-810 88-0329 Spirit of Missouri 1994-03-31 continues to be a subject of speculation and conjecture.

worth 2 billion dollars Not long after the end of the war, the deputy commander of the 509th US Wing, to which the B-2 belonged, i.

e the "Spirit of Missouri", Steven Lee Bashen, in an interview with the local aviation press, claimed that the B-2 was withdrawn from combat operations on May 21, 1999.

The same was written a little later in the book "B-2 Spirit units in Combat" by Thomas Whittingtin on page 43 This author specifies that the plane was "retired" after the mission over Serbia.

By the way, every year in mid-May, newspaper illustrations appeared that confirmed with 100% certainty the success of air defense and the shooting down of the B-2A "Spirit of Missouri" Yes "The Spirit of Missouri".

This name had just been repeated incessantly and that this plane had just been shot down However, in 2005 and in 2007, pictures of a plane with exactly this inscription appeared, which could be said to deny that this plane was shot down.

Then the question arose logically - which spirit was shot down, was the mention of the name "Missouri Spirit" actually a clever trick or as the Russians would say "maskirovka" - diverting attention from the one who really fell on that May night of war in 1999?! I will cite the facts published in the second edition of the book that describe the very beginning of the production of the strategic bomber, that is, the contract, which provided for the production of one flying prototype - AV1, five pre-series aircraft marked AV-2-AV6 and two aircraft for ground tests AT 0999 and AT 1000 ( Iron bird) The contract for the production of 15 pre-series aircraft included the upgrade of five pre-series aircraft to the level of serial products.

So a total of 23 aircraft, of which two are for ground tests, which were not intended for flying On the website of the US State Department announced by the Bureau of Arms Control and Verification and Compliance from April 1, 2017, it states that out of 23 only 12 aircraft (as many as 16 aircraft were previously listed) are combat coded, while the rest of the aircraft are in storage or routine maintenance is carried out.

Someone would say logically, everything is fine, but is it really so? In the demystification of this story, attention should be paid precisely to the aircraft for ground tests marked AT 0999 and AT 1000, which are very important for this story One was used for testing individual systems in the plane, and the other for mechanical tests, stresses and a fracture on the left wing.

For now, it is known that the AT 1000 aircraft ended up in the USAF museum at the "Wright Peterson" base It was transported to the Museum in parts, with 5 to 7 flights by C-5 Galaxy planes".

Now if that one is in the museum, where is the other??? Was he used for something else, and that second thing is to support the myth that the "Spirit of Kansas was alive, until the moment of the plane crash, in order to cover up the loss of the real "Spirit of Kansas" in the sky of Serbia?! To explain this story, we have to go back to 2008, to be exact, February 23, when an air incident occurred at the Anderson base in which one B-2 fell The official announcement says that the "Ghost of Kansas" AF 89-0127 has gone down.

This loss was confirmed four months later by the publication of a video showing the takeoff of two B-2 planes, the last one of which, after an atypical separation from the runway, crashes on the grassy part of the airport with the successful ejection of both pilots The incident was recorded by airport security cameras.

The second video appeared on January 7, 2011, and it was recorded by members of the base, and it also shows the plane's failed takeoff This recording is more important because those who took it found themselves in an area where under normal conditions no one should be standing.

Where did they come from then? The author of the book wonders if they stood there in the service of supporting some legend? and that Linnich's atypical publication had some purpose? By the way, the "Anderson" base is not the home base for B-2A aircraft They come there only occasionally and with a specific purpose, primarily in the service of a demonstration of power in the Pacific.

That's how the "Ghost of Kansas" found himself in that service, the real one, or maybe it was his real ghost, which fell in the airfield because of the humidity The official report says that moisture, which was caused by condensation, prevented the sensor devices from giving the plane's computer accurate information about the altitude so that the takeoff could proceed regularly.

Again the question arises, does the report of the crash support the legend that was stored and maintained for nine years? One would say YES It is interesting that the author states that four weeks before the plane crash, the "Anderson" base was visited by 15 attractive girls, Denver Broncos cheerleaders.

The two were photographed in the cabin of the plane "Spirit of Kansas", which bears the number 0127 In the photo, which was published on the official website of the air base - Anderson Air Force Base, in the text titled "B-2 pilots support different kind of DV tour", precisely that number is clearly visible on the co-pilot's seat.

Considering that the photography of the B-2A aircraft, during public display, is subject to strict restrictions regarding the position (angle) from which it can be taken, it can be said that it is not logical or it is not usual for the number of that particular aircraft to be fully visible in the photo Was it necessary to show everyone that that, that very plane with the number 0127 was in operation, that it was one of the 16 combat coded at the time, on a mission and that it was in full shape? Does that photo also support a legend?, writes Colonel Golubović in his book.

Now in this powerful explanation comes the "plot", and it concerns the delivery of aircraft engines for the B-2 General Electric supplied more aircraft engines than Northrop needed to produce and assemble 21 aircraft.

With that, it was probably possible to install four engines on AT 0999 as well and bring its systems to a level of functionality that would allow it to gain initial speed, attempt to take off, and end its flight a few seconds later And here we should let Autoruda support its theory: If the transfer of parts of the "younger brother" AT 1000 to the museum in 2003 was successful, and it was, then it could be considered that the dress rehearsal was successful, so the "older brother" can be transferred to Guam according to the same principle (because it cannot fly), it can be folded and brought to the level of "jumping".

This leads us to set the question "can a plane that is not designed for it fly?" Can a plane intended exclusively for ground tests fly? Finally, can the AT 0999 plane fly? It is not logical, "but everything is possible if it is according to plan"!" The author asks - "Did the plane crash on February 23, 2008, drop a stone from the hearts of those who carried it since May 20, 1999? Did they get the perfect alibi? Is that really how two B-2A planes, the real "Spirit of Kansas" were lost in 1999? and AT 0999 in 2008, who lived for several years as his reincarnation? Was it an operation to cover up the downing and loss of the most expensive plane in 1999? years? It is usual that during a plane crash, parts of the plane are arranged at least in a hangar so that the commissions can determine the reasons for the plane crash In this case, there is no photo documenting the commission's work.

And the video of the fall was made available to the public It's not logical, but.

! In the end, there is room for the question of how it is possible to hide the loss of such an aircraft for nine years in front of more than 5,000 employees of the "Vajtman" company The answer is - yes, it is possible.

B-2A planes also carry nuclear weapons, so it should not be forgotten that access privileges to certain sectors and locations in the base limit the number of persons to whom access is allowed The traditional rocketry practice that there must be a corpus delicti for a downed aircraft does not allow us to assert with 100% certainty that the shooting of the combat service of the 3rd Air Defense Forces, on May 20, 1999, was resulted in the downing of a B-2A strategic bomber.

Our desire must not overcome the factual situation A professional and well-argued description of the procedures and results of shooting down the F-117A and F-16CG aircraft is even more binding when it comes to this shooting.

The presented facts and assumptions, as well as the passage of time, will allow future researchers and historians to confirm or refute them " Now after all of the above, counting the quotes, one would say the author of the text, but the writer of these lines is exaggerating.

This is not possible, this is a figment of their imagination Believe me or not, this kind of manipulation is very possible and feasible.

For a long time, anything that alluded to a possible "shooting down" of a B-2 over FRY and falling into Croatia was contested At the end of the text, it should be said that there are a large number of unanswered questions, and the additional question of whether "the wolf is fed up, and all the sheep numbered?” still remains open due to the locked door of the largest superpower of the United States.

It is no longer a question of YES or NO the author thinks One truth is that until valid evidence is provided, this will continue to be talked about in the media and forums, and the silhouette of the B-2 drawn on the command cabin of the "Neva" missile system will be an indicator for future generations to determine what exactly happened in the sky.

Yugoslavia-Serbia on that May 20, 1999 war The Third Missile Division of the 250th Rocket Brigade did shoot down a B-2 strategic bomber.

It wasn't a decoy, because how did they manage to distinguish the F-16CJ from the decoy it was towing and send it to land in the woods near Nakucan, and they couldn't tell the B-2 from the decoy and the raw radar images!? However, the problem is still the conspiracy of silence Not from our side, but from theirs, so we will have to wait for the archives to be opened and the final truth about the downing of the B-2 to be known.

For our part, we have made a step forward in order to find out the full truth Now it's their turn".

Kurir rs/Andrej Mlakar.