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EXCLUSIVE USA AMBASSADOR CHRISTOPHER HILL FOR THE COURIER The World Is Not Divided On One Side Is Russia And On The Other The Rest Of The World


This is a terrible and sad anniversary, February 24, 2022 will go down in history as a cursed day, said US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, who spoke exclusively on TV Kurir about the anniversary of the war in Ukraine - Russia attacked its neighbor, threatened the energy system and fuel and energy supply, food supply, threatened peace and stability in Europe, all because of Donbass.

Those were terrible events The Ukrainian people have received help from various countries, they are resisting and it is clear that Russia cannot win this war.

He needs to get out of Ukraine I think the Indian Prime Minister said it best: "This is no time for war.

" Analysts are calling this a war of attrition and at this point they don't see a winner, but they agree that neither side will allow themselves to be defeated easily Do you agree with the assessment that the war would have ended long ago if the West had not provided enormous support to Ukraine by providing it with weapons and logistics? - I would say it in the following way: this war would have ended a long time ago if Mr.

Putin understood that the Ukrainian people did not want their neighbor to occupy them I think that's what it's about.

Ukraine received a lot of help from other countries, but I think we need to understand why other countries helped it or are helping it They are not helping Ukraine defeat Russia or, God forbid, invade Russia or cause its downfall.

Those countries help Ukraine in order to maintain its sovereignty, to preserve some concept in the world that you simply cannot attack and occupy a neighboring country A great deal of solidarity was shown, especially among European allies, including EU countries.

That kind of solidarity is very important I know that Russia is counting on the fact that the countries from that coalition that helps Ukraine will give up.

They won't do it President Biden made this clear recently in his speech in Poland and during his courageous trip to Kiev.

Vladimir Putin said that Russia tried to resolve the conflict in Donbas peacefully, saying that the West was to blame for the war and that its commitment to peace was a "cruel lie" What is the truth? - First of all, we have to understand that Russia started that war, and there was no crisis that caused it to do so.

They started that war with the mistaken belief that in a few days their troops would win The Russian soldiers who came in from the north thought they could take Kiev in a few days, they had parade uniforms in their knapsacks, they were ready to march on Kiev.

It is similar to the totalitarian countries that marched into some other countries during World War II That did not happen, because the Ukrainian people fought bravely.

Of course, they got help, and when people fight bravely to defend their homes, they deserve that help Mr.

Putin would prefer they didn't get aid, but I think the rest of the world would like Putin out of Ukraine A special danger is nuclear weapons.

Putin recently announced the suspension of Russia's participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction Treaty, which they say is the only remaining treaty that controls the nuclear arms race between the US and Russia Putin said that the Ministry of Defense should be ready to test nuclear weapons, but he also stated the following: "We are the first, of course, not to do it, but if America conducts the test, I can assure you that the US will honor its obligations.

It is a country that does not want to occupy its neighbors and threaten the world with nuclear weapons That description better suits Russia, which has tried to scare the world and create a false image that it is divided.

The world is not divided On one side is Russia, and on the other is the rest of the world.

Some countries help Ukraine militarily, others help with humanitarian aid, but to be honest, very, very few countries support what Russia is doing We witnessed it during the voting in the UN General Assembly, and I think it will happen again when a new resolution is passed.

If there is a defeat of Russia, which by the way is the largest nuclear power in the world with 6,000 warheads, is there a fear that its territory will be fragmented and that nuclear weapons will end up who knows where? which would lead to an even worse global danger? This is what military experts are talking about, what do you say? - The goal of Ukraine and the countries that support Ukraine is not to invade Russia and tear it apart This all comes from Moscow, with the aim of somehow trying to present themselves as victims.

We have to think logically and say that this is a complete distortion of the facts No one is talking about dismembering Russia, no one is talking about invading Russian territory, but everyone is saying that Russia must get out of Ukraine and put an end to this war.

The idea that Russia is somehow forced into this war is nonsense Ukraine was not about to join NATO a year ago, it was not trying to threaten Russia's security interests.

This is nonsense and nonsense Moscow should understand this and their decision to mention such nonsense shows how desperate their situation is.

Few people in the world believe in it US President Joseph Biden was in Kiev.

He promised all support to Ukraine and said that Russia will never win, and that it will defend every square centimeter of NATO territory However, other than the US and the EU, few countries are actively helping Ukraine, at least not with weapons.

Is it still a disappointment to you that the whole world did not join the EU and the US in supporting Ukraine in every possible way, and that was expected in a way? - Helping Ukraine with weapons to defend its homeland was a big deal Moscow constantly complained that too many weapons were flowing into Ukraine and tried to present it as if it was not its aggression against Ukraine, but a war between Russia and NATO.

I have to repeat that this is complete nonsense As for international support for Ukraine, we see it repeated, and will be repeated in the future, that the UN, not only the SC, but all UN members, clearly state and believe that Russia must withdraw from Ukraine.

I don't believe that there is any kind of disappointment regarding Western solidarity I think the only disappointment there is for Moscow is its inability to defeat Ukrainian forces on the battlefield.

Moscow is now trying to divide other countries It is clear that no country wanted that war to happen, however, that war was the choice of Mr.

Putin, who thought he would easily win War is a serious matter with serious goals, no war is simple and easy, there were many examples in history that some countries thought they would win easily, and in the end it turned out to be extremely difficult.

The Russian leadership in Moscow is simply the last country in line to realize this - that when you go to war, you better be prepared, and Russia made a big mistake and miscalculated We hear Russian leaders every day saying that everything is going exactly as planned, however, no one in the world believes that nonsense.

It was a disaster for Russia and they should get out of Ukraine and rebuild their country, which is suffering under sanctions and suffering division because many Russians do not support this invasion of another country The Russian people do not want that.

Unfortunately, Russia is not a democracy As long as Mr.

Putin and his advisers, I call them advisers, but they are not because he listens to no one but himself We have a big problem within Russia itself, which must start solving it.

Some say the key is what China will do Does the US already see China as one to join? Anthony Blinken said China is considering sending weapons to Russia.

On the other side, China claims that it will not take sides and calls for peace We see that the adviser to the Chinese president, Wang Yi, visited Moscow and sent strong messages from there.

And of course, let me remind you of Volodymyr Zelensky's statement - "if China joins forces with Russia, the third world war will break out" Is Zelensky right to be worried? And how can we citizens of other countries understand such messages? - I think it can be said that the USA and China have numerous misunderstandings, we have numerous problems that we must solve together.

Also, both we and the Chinese understand that our relationship, the relationship between America and China, is extremely important and that we must continue to work diplomatically through various channels to resolve our issues China has clearly said that it does not support this war.

The last thing he wants in the world is war They have an economy, they are trying to revive it after a difficult period, the fight against covid, and they want their main markets to be open, and those main markets of China are not in Russia, they are in Europe, Latin America and the USA, which is a big trading partner of China.

The fact that the head of diplomacy was in Russia and trying to talk to the Russians, according to me and my analysis, was not an attempt to support Russia, but an effort to make the Russian leadership understand that there will be no magical way out of this war Russia will not be able to please other countries like China, which is not interested in going to war against anyone.

It is important that Russia listens to all other countries, and I quote the Prime Minister of India, who clearly said that India is not interested in this war, even though it has been building relations with Russia And China is not interested in this war.

Russia is now looking for, testing, trying various ways to scare people, to expand this conflict, and again, The Russians know they can end the war today if they simply withdraw from Ukraine I want to add that there is a Russian army there, but there is also some strange private army called Wagner.

And we have to see how it ends in the end As we say in diplomacy, there is chaos.

Some of the most important countries in the world are holding elections It will mostly be in 2024.

Voting will take place in the USA, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, and Taiwan How would some significant changes affect the geopolitical picture of the world? Maybe there could be some changes in America if America gets a new, let's say, Republican president.

Maybe even Donald Trump Let's not forget that there are parts of the Republican Party that want to stop arming Ukraine.

What can change after the election? - There are in the Republican Party, I would say that there are smaller parts of the party, those who want a better calculation and assessment of how much the US sends weapons to Ukraine But I want to draw your attention to public opinion polls in America, the results of which show that there is strong support for helping Ukraine.

That support is almost as much as 70 percent There is no doubt that the American people support this.

And it is similar with other nations, who realize that if one country is allowed to occupy a neighboring country, what will happen to the international order in the world If a country just occupies another country.

The American people understand this and many other nations have understood this Honestly, I think the Russians understand that too.

Unfortunately, the Russian leadership does not understand this I understand that Mr.

Putin does not really understand the election system in the best way, because to understand what elections are, you have to have fair elections in your own country He observes the election and says: " former ambassador to the UN There are more.

We will see from the democratic side as well President Biden, who is great with his energy, has also said he wants to run for another term.

We'll see I want to emphasize that this election is something that will determine American domestic policy.

And as far as foreign policy matters are concerned, you have to understand that there are far fewer differences in foreign policy matters than in domestic matters As for Ukraine, the American people are clear and support the policy of helping that country.

And finally, are you able to predict the outcome of this war and the consequences for Ukraine, Russia, the EU and the USA? - The problem with war, besides all the damage it causes, is that it is difficult to predict anything I think Russia will eventually realize that it cannot force Ukraine to be its friend.

It's like Putin saying to Ukraine: marry me or i will kill you This is their conception of relations with Ukraine.

It won't work that way Ukraine has never had such a strong national identity and national pride as in the last year.

About our country Anyone who spends 10 minutes in Serbia, not 10 months, will understand that it is a European country When we talk about Serbia and the consequences of this war, what are your observations? - That is the matter of the Serbian people, it will depend on them.

I think the consequences will be that Serbia will rapidly move towards the West and that the West will move towards Serbia I hope that Serbia will understand what its ambitions are, that is, that it will become a member of the EU as soon as possible.

Russia has not achieved anything in Ukraine, but maybe it has achieved something in Europe - to unite it, to make people understand that the EU is not just some kind of bureaucracy, it is that, but it is a civilization, and a good one at that Serbia will be welcomed and I think it will enter the EU.

Serbia is a European country Anyone who spends 10 minutes in Serbia, not 10 months, will understand that it is a European country and that it deserves to enter the EU.

My prediction is that Ukraine and Ukrainian sovereignty will win - based on the fact that human beings are rational after all other options have been exhausted, and I think the Russians will realize that they will have to withdraw from Ukraine and start rebuilding their country It's a sad thing to see a country so famous for its ballet, its symphony orchestras, its literature, its poetry, to be reduced to guys like Wagner and the Russian army with conscripts they force to go to the front and who are there only because they are on that forced.

And so many young people perished This war will be in the history books for a long, long time, for centuries.

He will remain unacceptable and I hope that Putin himself will understand this (Kurir.


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