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A YEAR OF WAR IN UKRAINE Propaganda Lessons From War Conflict And Delusion


Year of war in Ukraine I made an analysis for 60, then 100 days of the war, and this is now a big summary and I will deal with various stereotypes, misconceptions, lies and everything else that concerns the entire situation.

Why the war broke out The war broke out because Zelensky did not want to respect the agreements from Minsk, in principle Merkel said that the West needed a break Former adviser to Zelenskiy Arestovich, Lyosha, since his real name is Aleksey, not Oleksei, said that Minsk 3 is waiting for us.

So Russia is not stupid to agree to Minsk 3, because Minsk 1 and 2 were not respected This year of war speaks of the fact that we lived in two parallel universes.

One real and one fake universe, which existed only through the media That fake media universe was created in Serbia by copying Croatian articles, especially from Jutarnji and from the British media.

So the conflict in Ukraine arose for a very simple reason - because the democrats in the USA adhere to the ideas of Zbigniew Brzezinski, and I have already mentioned this in articles in the Kurir Zbigniew Brzezinski was a Polish nationalist who used and abused his position in America to protect Polish interests.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is the greatest Pole in Polish history There is no more significant figure in Polish history than Zbigniew Brzezinski because he is more significant than Pope Wojtyla, for the very simple reason that Zbigniew Brzezinski shaped American foreign policy with his ideas.

But the central thought of all his ideas, what he thought about when he slept, was eating He thought only of Poland 24 hours a day.

He was not interested in anything other than Poland And Poland was most important to him.

Because of his attitude towards Poland, he has my deep respect and admiration, although I do not agree with his theses, but in order to understand what it is about, we have to understand that Ljavo, or as it is written in Polish, Lwow, is in fact a Polish city, which is was part of the restored Polish Republic from 1919 to 1939 Poles never forgot that Lviv was theirs.

And since the Poles did not forget that western Ukraine was theirs, Zbigniew Brzezinski dealt with Ukraine in the book The Big Chessboard And in order to draw the West to the importance of Ukraine, he did not say: "Listen, Western Ukraine is Poland, come on, take it back.

" No, that Russia wisely said, with Ukraine it is an empire, and without it an Asian country Since westerners are superficial they do what? They just remember some thoughts and individual phrases.

When I say superficial I mean real analysts Under the wing of Zbginjev Bezhzeinski, many figures in the democratic party emerged who created foreign policy towards Russia, and in the whole they did not think anything for themselves but what the great Zbig has to say about it.

And that's what we have to do This is the greatness of Zbigniew Brzezinski, that he managed to simply graft some of his ideas into American foreign policy.

He even wrote a book of his own called "American Choice" which was translated into Serbian The book is basically boring, but then halfway through he wrote, you know what, we can't trust European countries, they are not reliable, they are weak armies, democracies, the only one we can trust in Europe is Poland.

And without delving into the history of Ukraine and without understanding where the name Ukraine, Cossacks, history, of Russia and how spiritually significant Kiev and Ukraine are for the history of Russia, it is so significant that there is no city that cannot be associated with Kiev Kiev is more important than Moscow and Petersburg for Russia.

It is the most important city for Russian spirituality and culture Nepto is simply immeasurable for Russian history.

Not that there weren't any writings in English American historian James Billington wrote about it.

He is the author of the book Icon and Ax, who said that we cannot understand the importance of Russian culture if we do not understand the importance of Kiev, Moscow and Petersburg It has been written why it is very important for the Russians.

Because, for example, 1000 years of Orthodoxy was celebrated in Kiev in 1978 It was not celebrated in Moscow or anywhere else but in Kiev.

Since Zbigniew Brzezinski said what he said That's why Victoria Nuland arrived in Kyiv in 2014, that's why everyone in the democratic party is, in fact, a kind of disciple of Zbigniew Bezezhinsky, and that's why it started to go to Ukraine.

Why did Bush embark on the first revolution? Well, his adviser for national security was Condoleezza Rice, and I heard a rumor from quite serious sources in Kiev, that the wife of former Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko was a student of Zbigniew Brzezinski Condoleezza Rice completed her residency with Father Malden Albright.

Madeleine Albright's dad and Zbigniew Brzezinski knew each other quite well The GRU plan But the Russians had a plan A.

The main insistence on external deliberation is not any institute but their military intelligence service, the GRU The best intelligence service in the world and they wanted to go to Ukraine immediately, after the second Maidan, but the current led by Elvira Nabiulina won.

the governor of the Russian central bank who said we are not ready to withstand any economic sanctions, we do not know what kind of economic sanctions they would introduce, nor what would happen We'd better get ready.

And then what did the Russians do? For example, in 2004, Putin bought supplies of Plutonium and Uranium from Australia for good money The Russians started buying gold en masse and it just kept their economy stable.

Maybe there would be the same sanctions in 2014, but Russia probably wouldn't be ready like this I think that in 2014, Russia was not ready for drones, cruise missiles and everything else.

The population of Ukraine is important for Russians because they consider them part of their culture, their civilization, and Putin did not want to because of that, on the Kremlin's website there is a place where he explains in Russian and English that Russians and Ukrainians are one and the same people well, they did not have the task of quickly occupying the territory, but they have a simple task, which is now very well known from the public statements of Sergey Lavrov, Putin, Medvedev and other public figures of politics and the military, which means many times that the goal is the demilitarization of Ukraine.

I will return to a historical parallel that I mentioned when I was talking about the Toplic Uprising The Toplic uprising was the only uprising in conquered Europe during the First World War and it started in 1917.

And why it happened only in 1917 is because Serbia was tired and tortured The population was not capable of fighting.

The First Balkan War, then the Second Balkan War, then the First World War, one part crossed over Albania, one part remained People were tired.

The uprising after the defeat in the April War in 1941, when it happened It happened in June, July 1941, because the people did not really suffer the shock of the April War.

the war was short and people were mentally prepared for the fight The bottom line is that you need to prepare the nation well for the conflict.

So the Russians have prepared the nation well through TV propaganda, through increasing the capacity of the military industry, and they have no problem with that Then, after the Russians made those preparations, what happened happened.

And since they had no intention of going to war quickly, they prepared for war Why am I talking about this, because to return to demilitarization, it is done by forcing the enemy to surrender his weapons, but they did not know that he would not re-arm and the Russians applied another variant of demilitarization to physically destroy the Ukrainian army, not so much if at all they must not go to the destruction of the living force.

Battle for Kiev They intend to psychologically demilitarize the Ukrainians so that they do not have to decide on a conflict again in a short time The first misconception is that the Russians lost the war.

Everyone said that the Russians intended to win quickly They did not present any evidence.

Literally no evidence has been presented and it's just empty platitudes The Russians under Kiev carried out a demonstration maneuver to force the Ukrainians to withdraw troops from the Donbass.

Putin's intention was to stop the shelling of the Donbass and it was in Russia's interest to implement Minsk 2, which is the federalization of Ukraine, so that the Donbass can mirror Kiev's entry into NATO Putna did not care if Ukraine would join the EU.

So the Russians tried that maneuver Their goal was to try to steal Mirja at the airport of the Antonov institute.

Mirja is very important for the continuation of the Russian neighborhood program, which is a continuation of the Soviet one Putin realized that they would not be able to come up with anything smarter than Buran.

Buran is so perfect that they can't make anything better than it and they have a race in Cosmos waiting for them, and since Mrija is very important for the launch of Buran, they needed it Now the bottom line is that they didn't succeed, because the Ukrainians bombed Mrija and destroyed it, but it's just a rumor because the rumor is spreading that the Russians have run out of missiles, without this.

This is spread by Brits who don't even know today, explains Kim Philby Even today, it is not clear to them why Kim Philby worked for the Soviet Union.

I guess because he is a normal man, to avoid confusion, I consider Kim Philby to be a great fighter against Nazism, a great communist, an idealist, and he is a man who deserves absolute respect because of his ideals that he lived The English will present him as an alcoholic who married 5-6 times.

All that false information that was released about Russia was done by the English Since 2006, the English have not had any source in Moscow for the simple reason that in 2006 the scandal with the stone happened and the Russians managed to destroy the entire British spy network on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The war in Ukraine is only welcome to Boris Johnson to justify all the problems Yes, a month before the Ukrainians attacked the Crimean bridge, destroyed a small part of the bridge with a terrorist attack or sabotage, I wrote that they should not do that because the Russians will target the energy sector of Ukraine, that happened.

Then I wrote what kind of air defense Ukraine needs, after three months the Chief of the Ukrainian General Staff said the same thing Ukrainian mistakes Ukrainian mistakes are that they did not prepare themselves in advance to use Western technology, the essence is that if they wanted to go to war with Russia, they should have gone to war with the help of Western military technology, they should have bought a used one back in 2014-2015 and trained as many people as possible.

100 Leopard 1 tanks mean nothing to them Medvedev said that the Russians intend to produce 1,000 new or modernize old tanks.

Russia is in no hurry The liberals left it, unfortunately they came to Serbia.

And the Ukrainians had a delusion that they could win Arestovich did brilliant propaganda worthy of Goebbels, that means there is no better propagandist than Goebbels.

We talk coldly about propaganda, I'm not interested in ideology, but propaganda and persuasion of public opinion Arestovich has done a great job for Ukraine.

He said that we just have to hold on a little longer and Western help will arrive and we will defeat the Russians Just people, be patient, fight around the corner, Western help is coming.

This explains why the Ukrainians fought resolutely because they believed that they would surely win, but they have huge losses and the bottom line is that Zelensky is deceiving people In what sense? He said in his presidential campaign that it doesn't matter to him who is Russian and who is Ukrainian, who speaks Russian and who speaks Ukrainian, as long as he knows both languages.

He mostly spoke in Russian, participated in the national humor competition in Russia, reached the semi-finals, it has been around since the Soviet era Zelensky was famous in Russia.

He got 75 percent of the vote People wanted Zelenski to end the conflict in Donbass and start living.

However, that did not happen Zelensky did everything the opposite of what he promised, plus Hunter Biden received huge sums of money from the Ukrainians to be a member of the supervisory board of the electricity industry, so as far as that is concerned, that's where Biden was interested.

Trump Joe Biden stepped on it He trampled on it very persistently in the election campaign and then Joseph Biden was keen to cover it up and was interested in the conflict in Ukraine.

I don't claim that he organized it, I don't know what the Russians and Americans were talking about in Geneva Support for Ukraine is simply hypocritical and he has proven it in several texts.

Ukraine was supposed to buy Western weapons Buy old F-16 variant A/B and train pilots, in order to switch from one type to another it takes at least two years.

They use those old planes for training, so when you train enough pilots you have people ready to use western technology for conflict with Russia it is the way And why is Western support hypocritical? Because they are given old weapons that cannot turn the conflict around.

America doesn't have an air defense system, they don't need it The American concept of war is very simple, to win superiority in the air so that the opponent is left without an air force, without means, and simply how can I say because of this, America does not have such a high-quality air defense system as Russia has, for the simple reason that the Russians needed it.

Ukraine ie Yushchenko successfully sold it all to Georgia before the 2008 war.

Old armored vehicles from the Vietnam War and Bradleys They are simply coffins on tracks, and with these weapons provided by the West, Ukraine cannot win.

The West sends them to their deaths A false impression is being sent that the aid sent to Ukraine is aid, that this aid will have to be paid for, because the West loves money so much that it has to be paid for.

The West sent all modern technology, howitzers M 777, but removed the equipment for precision targets so that it would not fall into the hands of the Russians just as Leopard 2 will not be sent because of possible communication equipment, because if it fell into Russian hands, the Russians would be able to listen to all NATO communications, so they will not send new planes, exclusively old Soviet-type weapons.

Slovenia sent the BVP M80, which is the worst thing that the dedicated industry in this region has ever made No armor no nothing.

Slovenia also sent them T 55 tanks with 35 shells per tank Understand, I have said many times what kind of things Ukraine needs, not because I support Ukraine, but because a military commentator should comment on both sides.

He did not speak only in conflict I comment on Ukrainian and Russian.

I can't talk about Russian until I see the plan What does Russia want militarily, I claim that they physically want to destroy the Armed Forces of Ukraine, no matter if it is around Bakhmut or Kiev, with that, it is easier for the Russians to fight in Dobas and the space is narrower, it is easier to get equipment to the front and they have a secured supply line, if they were on the Dnieper it would be difficult to supply and it would be easier for the Ukrainians.

I have to go back to fame with Herodsna, I'm the only one who claimed that Kherson is not important I have said that many times.

That battle means nothing there The Russians can be defeated with nuclear weapons by nothing else.

Even if the enemy enters Moscow, it is nothing I wrote about that.

The West does not intend for Ukraine to win, for it to be economically and materially satisfied, for the part that belongs to Russia to be so destroyed that billions of dollars will be needed for reconstruction and that Russia will deal with it and be less interested in helping China I'm not saying how smart or stupid that plan is, I'm saying that there is an idea.

There is an idea to move the German auto industry to Detroit It is Trump's idea and Trump really hoped, but due to the lack of gas, there is a chance that industry from Europe will be sent to America.

I'm not even saying whether it's smart or stupid, I'm saying existing ideas I stand by my ideas that the Russians will go to war in a year, two or three, and it can end in the summer, if they break the Ukrainians now and have an open mind, they will use the spring for broad offensives, around Dnieperovks, Kiev, where they can maneuver their armor because that is key in of all battles.

If they want to break the enemy, the bottom line is that Ukraine's offensive on Herosn happened after the referendum, and the Russians have no chance of withdrawing from those four areas annexed by the referendum If the West loses in Ukraine, the EU will immediately fall apart, and the issue of NATO is uncertain.

The thesis that Finland's future in NATO is stupid, as well as Sweden's Turkey has no reason to relax.

Burning the Koran was a shot in the leg, but what to expect from a society where life borders on anarchy and every religion is ridiculed I have to support Poptun Turkey and Erdogan.

Kurir Rs/b


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